If you are interested in crewing or riding along for a day sail or race, please Contact Us
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Few experiences can match the excitement of racing sailboats on a brisk day. Racing results can be scored by

Time-on-Time handicap system using the Portsmouth Yardstick 2023 or the PHRF Handicap Rating System . The handicap ratings assigned to a boat provides both the racing and cruising designed sailboats a competitive edge. Cruising and racing boats of many sizes typically show up for a day of racing.
Racing sailors at all skill levels take their boats out for a race to pump up a little adrenaline, apply their knowledge of racing tactics and enjoy a bit of competition. Courses are typically set with a windward, leward and at times, an offset mark. The offset mark is set a short reaching distance from the windward mark, maintaining good separation from upwind boats.
For newer sailors or boat owners, there is no better way to fine tune sailing skills then racing. Racing provides nearly immediate feedback on sail trim and boat handling. Sailing tactics are learned watching puffs on the water and tacking of jybing in lifts or headers. New boat owners and crews will gain advantage racing with a skilled crew member who can provide coaching. Whether crew is simply providing ballast or working an assigned position, much can be learned during a race.
Race results are either available immediately after the regatta or posted on the website with trophies provided at the next scheduled regatta.
Crew and boat safety is top priority. Skippers and boat owners are encouraged to have readily available, floatation devices per crew member. Wind conditions may postpone, cancel or require a change of course during a regatta. Read the sailing instructions for further instructions. Brookville Lake may also experience heavy fog and a frequent sounding device should be readily available (horn/bell).