Fall August 3rd Races 1-3 Results

Thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s first Fall series races. The wind was light for the first race but built up to 10-12 knots by the third. Yes, we were able to get 3 races in. So we have one in the bank in case we have light wind race days later in the series. I think I speak for all when I say that we had a great time. Special thanks to the crewing guest appearances, including Steve Tacy, Steve Milby, John Doerner, and Guy Hemmer!

Also many thanks to Patty and Bill Beglin for their excellent performance as Race Committee! Participating boats included Patty Anne (Dan and Heidi Loughran with visiting relatives as crew), Lady Di (Pat Burke with his brother in law as crew and mentored by a very experienced racer, Guy Hemmer), Red (Bill Settle with Steve Tacy as crew), and Isabel (Dan CaJacob with Steve Milby and John Doerner as crew). Results will be posted soon. Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone for the last minute race day change. Fair winds!
