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  • June 23rd Race 4 and 5 Results
    Today there was plenty of wind but only 2 boats could make it and race. With just two boats we kept it simple and scored finish position, pretty hard to compete with the J70 on flat water and lots of wind
  • June 16th 2024 Race and Results
    Father’s day bridge to bridge is a pursuit race, and we will be using the following starting order. On-Water communications is VHF 69. Please find the results of the Fathers Day Bridge to Bridge below. Winds were light and variable (Race day and appreciable wind seems hard to come by) but we were able to get most of the boats across the finish … Continue reading “June 16th 2024 Race and Results”
  • June 9th, 2024 Race 2 and 3 Results
    Race 2 and 3 happened today and much to everyone’s delight we had a lot of wind. It was still quite variable with some pretty intense gusts but we had some racing. I (Dallace) completely borked Race 1 by not understanding the course, so I missed the last marker. Race 2, I lagged a bit behind the only other contender (Skyp) but thanks … Continue reading “June 9th, 2024 Race 2 and 3 Results”
  • Spring 2024 Bridge to Bridge Pursuit Race
    Not a lot to talk about here other than The Mighty O’Day pulls out the win. There was little to no wind, but with the Slowest to Fastest start, the O’day got a 15 minute jump and saw the only real wind and managed 1.19 miles in 1h and 42 minutes. But nobody else really made it out of Hanna Creak.
  • May 19th, 2024 Race 1 Results
    The first race of the 2024 season was held this past Sunday. Unfortunately there was a bit of a wind problem, where did the wind go from the previous two weekends? Thanks to the  competitors that hung in there and completed one race. Thanks also to Paul Hemker and Bernard Normand for their race committee duty. 