Welcome to BLSA

  • BLSA Pig Regatta Weekend Results
    BLSA welcomed the Flying Dutchman this weekend for a two day event including a social at Hanna Creek Saturday after the races. The weekend provided decent wind and a good time at the cookout after on Saturday. Below are the results for the races which are not part of the official BLSA results but are still races!
  • BLSA Fall Race 8 results
    Today we had some pretty interesting wind. Forecast was for a solid 7kts with 16kt gusts, however we started at 1pm to maybe 5kts with varying winds most of the way down to the bridge. Rounding the causeway buoy to port proved quite the challenge with the south easterly winds. Once around wind mostly provided a broad reach to the finish.
  • Fall Races 6/7 Results
    We had four boats participating in two short races as the front moved in on Sunday. There was moderate wind and some rain at the very end. Walter Frank (longtime member) and Dan CaJacob provided committee duty. Congratulations to Bill Settle and crew for taking first place in both races. I think we all had a great time!
  • Fall Races 4/5 – Pursuit
    Decent wind allowed two races to happen today. No committee boat required since it was a pursuit race. The course started from just outside the no wake zone just north of Hanna, and the South marker was the first Kent’s Harbor no wake buoy.
  • Fall August 3rd Races 1-3 Results
    Thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s first Fall series races. The wind was light for the first race but built up to 10-12 knots by the third. Yes, we were able to get 3 races in. So we have one in the bank in case we have light wind race days later in the series. I think I speak for all when … Continue reading “Fall August 3rd Races 1-3 Results”